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An Easy-to-understand Guide To All Your HVAC Questions

At home it is very important that your HVAC system functions correctly. A poorly designed HVAC system, or one that requires constant fixes can be a nightmare to any homeowner. If you would like good tips to help you better understand HVAC systems, then the following article is just for you. Continue below for solid tips to help you make sense of HVAC systems.

If you do have a good experience with a HVAC product or contractor, let others know. Go online and post a review so that people can easily find out who and what brands to trust. At the same time, you can check reviews online to learn more yourself about what's available.

Each spring, clean the fan blades and coils on your condenser. Be sure to turn the power off first; you don't want anything to move. Next, pop off the grill, pull out the blades and start cleaning them and the unit itself off gently.

When the spring comes and the days begin to warm up, call in a pro to give your HVAC a once over. This will ensure that your air conditioner works as expected all summer long, stopping you from sweating it out when you least expect the system to fail.

If you want to seriously extend the life of your HVAC system, as well as cut down your overall power bill, install ceiling fans in commonly used warm season rooms. Energy-star certified ceiling fans can sometimes cut your HVAC use in half. However, you won't physically notice a difference in temperature.

Manage the heat flow into your home with window coverings to help out your HVAC system. In the warmer months, use drapes, curtains and blinds to block out sunward facing windows to keep heat from building up through the greenhouse effect. Alternatively, make sure that sunlit windows are letting light and warmth in during the colder months.

Use plants to increase your air conditioner's effectiveness. An AC unit fully shaded by trees and shrubbery can operate up to 10 percent more efficiently. However, do keep spacing in mind. Air flow must not be constricted, and technicians need room to work when they come out to service your unit.

If you are looking to save money with your HVAC system, consider turning down the air conditioner in the summer and turning the heat down in the winter. Putting on a sweater on a cold day can save you a ton of money on your utility bill, as can enjoying a cold drink instead of heavy air conditioning use.

When you buy a new air conditioning unit, don't let the salesperson talk you into too large of a unit. This will be a waste of money and won't efficiently cool your home. The longer a system runs, the more efficient it will be when it's running, so look for one which runs 15 to 30 minutes.

Which way does your home face? If you strategically place trees, it's possible to block some of the morning sunlight so your home won't become overheated. Anything that provides shade from direct sunlight can reduce the temperature inside your home and help reduce your energy bill for air conditioning during warm months.

Every month clean out the leaves and debris that may have settled into your outdoor HVAC unit. You'll be surprised at how much gets caught in your unit. Over time these leaves can build up and create issues for your system. Just this little clean up can save you a lot of money in maintenance bills.

Decide which way your house faces to make sure your HVAC system can work its best. If trees are placed strategically, you can block morning sunlight that can overheat the house. If there's less heat inside your home, your AC will work less.

Do you want to make sure your HVAC unit works for you like it should? It is important to have your unit maintained on a regular basis. Any reputable technician will know exactly what you mean if you call them and ask for a maintenance service on your system.

Choose a contractor who knows how to work with your current system. If they work with that set-up frequently, they'll quickly diagnose any problems and know exactly how to maintain it. Choosing such a firm will save you time and money, and will also save you from unnecessary headaches.

Is your home's electrical set-up ready to handle a new air conditioning unit? Most homes have 115-volt circuits in place, but larger air conditioners need 230-volts to be used. Some smaller units may need their own dedicated circuit as well to ensure your home doesn't go dark when you turn them on.

Consider how long a contractor has been in business before you hire them. The longer they've been in your community, the more likely they are to do a good job. Fly by night operations pop up wherever people haven't heard of them before, and they're just the HVAC Contractor firms you want to avoid.

The biggest step to preventing problems in your air conditioner is getting a professional tune-up once a year. This is especially important before the summer. This is when your air conditioning system will be working its hardest. Getting regular tune-ups reduces the risk of malfunctions and will keep you cool all summer long.

When seeking an HVAC contractor, be sure to check references. You may be horrified by what you find. It just takes a couple minutes to check them out.

Every season inspect the outdoor condenser unit of your HVAC system. Remove any weeds and leaves that may be obstructing air flow to the unit. Hose off the inside and outside of the unit to remove any dirt build up. Cover the motor with plastic bags prior to rinsing the unit so that you do not get it wet.

When you get someone to work on your HVAC, make sure you know what the total cost includes. Some contractors will attempt to overcharge you after the work is complete for fuel or extra material. Ensure your contract is solid to avoid any problems.

Now that you read the above article, there is no reason for you to let your HVAC system go bad. You should understand what needs to be done to have it working the right way, and that means living in a comfortable home environment. With a poor HVAC system, you will only be miserable, so remember what you learned here to ensure you have a happy home.

'Over 150 calls just from freezing pipes': Plumbers scramble to help homeowners on Vancouver Island


Heat exterior walls where waterlines enter your home or business

Keep water movement in your pipes. A last resort can be allowing a bathtub to run overnight at a low drizzle

Insulate exterior hose taps. Hardware stores supply insulation product, or even wrap a dry cloth around the hose bib

Know where your water shutoff valves are. If you start to see flooding shut them off immediately

Even the City of Victoria was caught in a soggy position Thursday morning.

An exterior pipe burst on the Pandora Street side of City Hall early Thursday causing water to spill onto the street below, according to city officials.

Crews quickly located the broken pipe and repaired it. The city says no interior damage has been found due to the leak.

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